Take Action!
Donate Today:
While restoring signs, building new picnic structures or restoring trails after floods can be a pressing need, there’s not always the money to handle all of these projects. Your annual donation as a Friend can bring an important project to fruition. Click the button below or scroll to the bottom of the page for an easy and direct donation option!
If you’d like to support us at no additional cost to you, support us through your shopping endeavors at King Soopers! Here’s how it works:
Create or sign into your digital account by visiting King Soopers Stores - go to http://www.kingsoopers.com (kingsoopers.com) or for City Market Stores - go to http://www.citymarket.com (citymarket.com)
Search for your organization here, The Friends of Colorado State Parks
Enter the name or NPO number of the organization you wish to support. Our NPO is: DW314
Select the appropriate organization from the list and click “Save”.
For more comprehensive instructions visit their website.
Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you.
Your Shoppers Card affiliation can be switched from a different group to FOCP simply by changing the Non-Profit Organization number.
Become a Friend:
Take care of Colorado’s outdoor spaces by volunteering to build trails, restore vegetation, manage events, teach a class, or join your local park’s Friends committee.
Volunteer with CPW
Volunteer with your local Friends group
Learn and Inform:
There are many resources that may help you advocate for Colorado’s natural resources. Once you’ve done your own reading, make sure to inform your friends!
Check out the Colorado Outdoor Principles
CPW and the Colorado Outdoor Partnership, comprised of conservation organizations, sportsmen and outdoor recreationists, collaborated to adapt these principles for Colorado.
This message for Colorado travelers was developed in a partnership between the Colorado Tourism Office and Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics.
Buy Passes and Permits:
You can purchase an annual pass or day pass and hunting/fishing license.